Harry Potter and the bucket of CGI
Note: This post will have a bit of spoilers on the latest Harry Potter movie, and probably even more.
Well then, I've finally managed to catch the latest installment of the Harry Potter movie with my jie, even though my exams ended on the 18th.
I've never been a huge fan of the Harry Potter movies, as I feel that they have been sliding downwards since the 1st one (Which isn't too far high on my ladder to begin with), and I didn't really expect much for this latest movie.
I was right not to expect too much.
It isn't even bad.
It's rather...horrible.
Dreadful, in fact.
The whole movie could have been filmed at some studio, and you probably won't notice the difference.
It isn't a movie.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is one huge chunk of CGI. Almost right from the beginning. The movie tries to condense a 700 paged book into a 3 hour movie, and fails horribily, because of the simple reason that they took out too many things, leaving some ends explained, and some actions actually meaningless.
Meaningless? Let's see, the enterance of the other 2 schools is nice, but there's totally no need for people to perform backflips and stuff. Them entering the school would be nice, thank you. The Quidditch world cup was also a total joke. Even 5 minutes of action would be nice, but all you see is a bunch of people flying around, and boom, the whole thing ends suddenly.
The 3rd challenge was also rubbish. There was so much potential in that dark and misty maze, but the only enemies the champions encountered is a bunch of grass closing in on each other and roots which can move. A far cry from what's written in the book, although by that time, you know that the one who wrote the script pretty much had the book in the fireplace.
Had it not been the actors/actress superb acting skills, this is one movie which would have gone to hell.
Sadly, the movie downplayed a lot of the skills of their cast. Richardson, the female who played Rita Skeeter, was excellent, but sadly was no more than a mere shadow in the show. Heck, the idea of Harry X Herimone was so juicy, interesting plots could have developed. Sadly, that just did not happen. After that picture on the newspaper, the whole thing died.
On top of that Ginny looks rather bad, not like what the book described her to be, and I'm disappointed with Emma Watson's growth.
Although with such a disconnected story, I wonder how the heck they are going to do movie 5, since not everyone reads the books.
Ah well.
Hmm, there's this rather cool place in Cineleisure which as around 200 computer stations (advertised). All of them are pretty cool stuff. Should head there sometime to play Quake IV. (CHAOS? ARE YOU LISTENING? HURRY UP.)
But hey, it's 24 hours for this two months....
I think I found something to do during the chalet.
With every word, I feel venom dripping from every letter.
With every word, I feel a sting in them.
With every second, I feel a new crack in my heart.
Had I lost the battle from the very first move?
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